There are some individuals that have an extremely strong relationship with their bathroom, and others that only use it as a functional space. For example, there are some that might lounge in a bubble bath after a long day of work, and others that might simply treat their bathroom as a “hygiene station”, where they shave, relieve themselves, and make sure that they look and smell as great as possible.
Bathrooms are often the rooms that your guests see the most. There is no reason why you shouldn’t try sprucing things up. It’s also one way to keep things fresh and fun around the house, decor-wise. It doesn’t matter whether you plan on shopping the day away to upgrade your bathroom, or are thinking about some DIY family activities, here are three quick ways to decorate your bathroom differently.
New Bath Mat
There is certainly no reason to keep a bath mat around that is wet and dirty, and often times we forget to switch these bath mats out. They can give the whole bathroom a “bad name” of sorts, so opting for a new bath mat is an obvious way to improve any bathroom. There are websites that suggest switching out the bath mat every two years, but every six months is probably a much better idea.
There are some incredible luxury bath mats that can send a much better message, and it doesn’t require much time or effort. You might even consider adding a wool rug to take things up a notch.
New Lighting
You might not think about lighting as much as you should, but the truth is that lighting can actually affect your overall mood. Who wants to be getting clean and ready for the day in a bathroom that they don’t even feel their best in? You might try to get some new and exciting light fixtures that you’ve never tried before, and see whether it gives you a morning boost.
Shower Curtains
How long have you had your current shower curtains? It might get tiring to stare at the same design over and over if you have lived with the same curtains for several years. Why not try something new that reflects your own personal sense of style better?
Shower curtains certainly aren’t terribly expensive, and the right shower curtain can make your bathroom seem a bit more elegant and adult. This might not seem like much of a concern now, but consider that a little effort might impress your guests and neighbors more than you may know.