Wall2Wall Furnishings understands that once an order is placed, there should be no question on whether an order has shipped or when it will be shipping. We also understand how frustrating it can be to not know this information within an acceptable time after initiating the purchase. This is why we do everything we can to ensure that you will be updated with tracking information within 48 - 72 hours after placing an order. Please note, this excludes weekends, national holidays, and any scheduled downtime due to system maintenance. If for any reason there is a delay, we will notify you as quickly as possible.
Due to circumstances outside of our control some transit times might experience delays.
A order cannot be canceled after it has been processed or has already shipped.
Shipping Methods
Wall2Wall Furnishings will ship only to the 48 contiguous United States and we make every effort to offer quick and inexpensive shipping. This includes also offering expedited shipping for an additional fee if available. Please contact us to inquire about expedited shipping.
Smaller Items
We will primarily ship using Fedex, but USPS or UPS may be used as well. Standard delivery should be expected within 5 - 7 days after the item has shipped.
Larger Items
We will ship larger items using a freight service. These items will usually leave the warehouse within 5 - 7 business days. Additional details on freight deliveries will be provided once the order is placed and has been processed.
For large items delivered using Freight (LTL), Free shipping does not include delivery into the customer's home/ building or up any flights of stairs. Our free shipping only includes one of our curbside delivery options and the customer is responsible getting any furniture into the home/building and up any stairs.
Some examples include but are not limited to Beds, Loveseats and Sofas,Sectionals or any other large furniture items/sets.
Please see Large Item Delivery Options for more details.
Refusal of any delivery at no fault of Wall2Wall Furnishings may result in additional charges. The customer is responsible for any charges of a refused delivery, unless the refusal was a result of a damaged item.
Shipments Requiring a Delivery Appointment
Wall2Wall Furnishings is not responsible for any charges that may incur for missed delivery appointments. Please ensure the correct phone number and email address is provided so that a delivery appointment can be scheduled. In the event the delivery company cannot contact you for an appointment or the appointment is missed, we are not responsible for any charges or return shipping fees. If an item is returned to Wall2Wall Furnishings a restocking fee will apply.
Shipping Charges
Shipping charges are calculated at checkout based on product, shipping destination/method and any promotions that may apply. Shipping Charges are calculated at checkout using the shipping calculator.
*Free Shipping above $99 - There are no shipping charges on orders over $49 using Standard Ground as the delivery method. Please note, some products may not be eligible to qualify for free shipping over $99. Shipping will be calculated at checkout for items that do not qualify.
Lost Shipments
If the tracking information that corresponds to a shipment confirms that the product was delivered to the intended residential or commercial address, the customer assumes all responsibilities and liabilities for the receipt of the shipment. The Customer has provided Wall2Wall Furnishings with the shipping information, and in doing so absolves Wall2Wall Furnishings of any liabilities for missing or stolen deliveries.
We recommend purchasing package protection for items that do not state package protection is required on the product page. Click Here to view the benefits of purchasing package protection.
If you have any shipping questions, please click here to contact us or contact us at CustomerService@w2wfurnishings.com